Vancouver and District Labour Council mobilizes solidarity with Chilean people

ACTIONS INCLUDE CALL FOR CLC TO IMPLEMENT BOYCOTT Beginning October 18, Chile has been rocked by massive protests, strikes and mobilizations against the neoliberal austerity imposed by the right-wing government of Sebastian Piñera. In response to the uprising, the government has declared a state of emergency and unleashed a brutal […]

BC transit workers: Driving for pay equity, better working conditions

BC LABOUR COMMITTEE, CPC A winter of labour discontent is beginning to emerge on the west coast. Transit workers in Metro Vancouver are in the headlines, and a wider series of struggles is rippling through British Columbia, as economic woes and spending restraints hit the working class from different directions. […]

BC’s UNDRIP legislation charts new path in continuing struggle

Kimball Cariou Four years ago, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission called on all levels of government in Canada to fully implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). With the introduction of Bill 41, the “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act,” British Columbia has […]

Communists condemn coup d’état against Bolivian President Evo Morales

The coup d’état in Bolivia, in which legitimately re-elected president Evo Morales was forced out of office by the military, has brought immediate condemnation from democratic and progressive forces around the world. These include the parties which are members of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties, many of […]