BC’s UNDRIP legislation charts new path in continuing struggle

Kimball Cariou Four years ago, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission called on all levels of government in Canada to fully implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). With the introduction of Bill 41, the “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act,” British Columbia has […]

Communists condemn coup d’état against Bolivian President Evo Morales

The coup d’état in Bolivia, in which legitimately re-elected president Evo Morales was forced out of office by the military, has brought immediate condemnation from democratic and progressive forces around the world. These include the parties which are members of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties, many of […]

Trade union bars working class candidate from federal election forum

A working class candidate with a lifelong record as an active supporter of trade union rights will not be allowed to take part in a federal election candidates forum being held in the riding of Vancouver Kingsway. Kimball Cariou is the candidate for the Communist Party of Canada, running for […]

Federal Election Coverage: Interview with Liz Rowley, Communist Party

As part of our special federal election coverage, People’s Voice will be preparing a series of articles, analyses and interviews, for both our print and online editions, that examine the key issues and discuss real solutions. Here, we speak with Liz Rowley, leader of the Communist Party of Canada, about […]

BC Communists demand Education Minister’s ouster

Party calls for justice for teachers, students The Communist Party of BC has issued a statement saying the present course of the NDP government on public education issues poses a serious threat to the interests of teachers, support staff, students and families across the province. The Party is demanding that […]

Forestry workers down saws to stop cuts

James Chumsa Sawmill workers across Vancouver Island have been picketing for a fair contract with Western Forest Products since the Canada Day long weekend. The strike by 3000 members of United Steelworkers Local 1-1937 is in opposition to WFP’s proposed clawback of holidays, pensions, seniority rights and many other contract […]

BC announces big operating surplus, but no deal for teachers

Kimball Cariou The NDP government of British Columbia has released figures showing an operating surplus of $1.5 billion during the 2018-19 fiscal year. The amount is $1.3 billion higher than projected in previous budgets, thanks largely to increased revenues from personal and corporate income taxes, even though the province has […]

People’s Needs Not Corporate Greed

The Trudeau government was elected  in 2015 after a decade of Conservative austerity and attacks on working people. Four years later, it is clear that Bay street is still in control.Canada is not meeting carbon emission targets as the government does the bidding of the oil and gas monopolies while […]


People’s Voice Editorial As the U.S. administration’s threats against Iran escalate, everyone knows the potential consequences of this deadly strategy. The clique of warmongers preparing to bomb Iran is almost completely isolated on the international stage. Even the foreign minister of the UK, Washington’s most faithful ally, has called for […]


By Kimball Cariou Three years ago, after years of threats, the B.C. Liberal government fired the entire Vancouver School Board just as the trustees were about to meet to fulfill their legal requirement to adopt a balanced budget for the 2016-17 school term. The real reason for the firing was […]